
> R&D>Overview

Mizpah Technology Corp. is a technology driven venture company for digital printing area. Smart Printing Research Institute(SPRI) Center as a corporate affiliated research center is founded in 2009 specialized in smart printing materials and process. From the beginning to current we developed various technologies and techniques as shown on the below table, which became base components to manufacture a lot of unqiue customized photo products.


No. R&D Topic Period Supporting Organization
1 Printed electronics industry technology commercialization support project
(3D sublimation transfer film development)
2014. 3 ~
2014. 12
2 Regional infrastructure development technology development project
(Development of traditional Korean substrate manufacturing technology for
RFID tags based on printed electronics)
2011. 8 ~
2012. 7
KETI+Exax Inc.
3 Printed Electronics' Intern Support Project
(Development of conductive encapsulation coating technology for keypad)
2011. 6 ~
2011. 11
4 Printed Electronics' intern support project
(Development of new CNT materials by controlling CNT coating solution and coating structure)
2010. 6 ~
2010. 11
5 Company-affiliated research institute installation support project
(Development of smart materials for digital printing)
2008. 6 ~
2011. 5
6 Technology innovation development project
(Development of highly functional photo decal paper)
2005. 7 ~
2006. 6
7 Regional specific R&D project
(Development of information material technology for recording digital imaging)
2004. 11 ~
2005. 10
8 Technology innovation development project
(Development of color inkjet glossy photographic paper by single layer coating)
2003 .8 ~
2004. 7