홈 > About US>History
- 2019. 4 R&D center moved to Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do
- 2018. 2 Launch sublimation transfer primer for artificial leathers
- 2016. 3 Launch primer of 3D sublimation film
- 2009. 2 SPRI installed as R&D center(certification number; 2009210069)
- 2008. 8 Increased capital
- 2005. 7 Launch premium waterslide decal paper(barandname; Incal paper)
- 2004. 9 Launch D2T2 photopaper
- 2003. 11 Won a prize in Korea Venture Startup Competition sponsored by Small and Medium Business Administration
- 2003. 11 Established Mizpah Technology Corporation